L.A. Care funds APHCV with Robert E. Tranquada Safety Net Initiative (Tranquada XV)


APHCV has received funding from L.A. Care’s Robert E. Tranquada Safety Net Initiative (Tranquada XV).  This generous funding will help APHCV to mitigate disparities through tailored interventions by developing a clinic-wide social determinants of health (SDoH) needs assessment and providing Patient Care Navigation services to our patients.

APHCV is happy to be able to provide much needed social services and community resources support to our patients who experience barriers to accessing their care and managing their health.

L.A. Care launched the Tranquada Initiative in 2005 to help safety net providers improve their core infrastructure capabilities and to support projects that have a long-term and systemic impact.

L.A. Care’s mission is to provide access to quality health care for Los Angeles County’s vulnerable and low-income communities and residents and to support the safety net required to achieve that purpose.

Click here for more information on L.A. Care Health Plan.